Wyse R90L Manual de usuario

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Thin CompuTing
and VirTualizaTion
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1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Indice de contenidos

Pagina 1 - Thin CompuTing

Wyse® Thin CompuTing and VirTualizaTion soluTions

Pagina 2 - WhaT’s Thin CompuTing?

For many, it’s become impractical to run a business on personal computers today. If they’re not locked down, PCs can be fraught with problems, from be

Pagina 3 - ClienT deViCes

Cloud ComputingCloud computing refers to using technologies like those mentioned above to host applications in a private (inside your building) or pub

Pagina 4 - Wyse Linux V6

Wyse ThinOS™When you need optimized performance and simplicity, choose theultra-fast Wyse ThinOS.These stateless clients are tailored deliver out-of t

Pagina 5

Wyse-enhanced Microsoft Windows CEFor those organizations that need to run a basic local browser and terminal emulation in addition to ICA and RDP, we

Pagina 6

mobile Thin ClienTsFor the mobile user, Wyse offers mobile thin clients that work from the office, to the conference room, to the field, to home. Based

Pagina 7 - Wyse inFrasTruCTure soluTions

desKTop applianCes For CiTriX XendesKTopWyse Viance™ desktop appliance for Citrix XenDesktopWhen you simply want to maximize user experience while min

Pagina 8 - VirTualizaTion soFTWare

managemenT soFTWareWyse Device Manager™Wyse Device Manager software simplifies IT management, reduces TCO, and improves ROI by centrally controlling a

Pagina 9

TrusT The eXperTs in Thin CompuTingAs the global leader in thin computing, Wyse and our partners understand the needs of both industry and the public

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